Leo Foussekis, Esq, a.k.a. @thegreeklawyer - Friday Real Estate+ Chat Ep. 6
We are at Leo's sassy new office in Dedham, MA talking #MarketTrends, #NARSettlement etc Comment with any questions under one of the replays and we'll get back to you or reach out to us directly: Leo: @TheGreekLawyer | https://www.leoatlaw.com Karina: @MyBostonRealtorKarina | https://linktr.ee/my
Shant Banosian (Guaranteed Rate) - Friday Real Estate+ Chat Ep. 5 with
Great market update & practical tips for home and investment property buyers in today's market from Shant Banosian, the #1 Loan Originator in the country! Shant's team is in the epicenter of thousands of transactions every year giving the team a unique vantage point on trends, buyers' dos & don'
Did you know you can boost your down payment with HomeFundIt?
Did you know you can boost your down payment with HomeFundIt? Check out the page below for more details and connect with my colleague Edward Whitehouse from CMG Home Loans with any questions at 603.365.1506 / ewhitehouse@cmghomeloans.com. https://www.homefundit.com/realtor/MyBostonRealtorKarina As
Home Inspector Tod Whiting - Friday Real Estate+ Chat Ep.4
FRIDAY Q&A with a veteran home inspector Tod Whiting from Metro Boston Property Inspections! Replays available: Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@mybostonrealtorkarina Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mybostonrealtorkarina LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/karinademurchyan Tod is the CEO and
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Broker Associate | License ID: 9555596
+1(617) 549-5503 | mybostonrealtorkarina@gmail.com